It was while creating this series in 2024 that I realize the question "what does it mean to feel?" was made so much more complex because of its duality. The themes of duality and symmetry in nature v. machine, in human v. AI, in the conscious v. subconscious (etc.), appeared over and over again the more I learn about the world and myself.
"meaning" is inherently logical.
"feeling" is emotional.
"feeling" is emotional.
In 2023 I was exploring these ideas in a more chaotic manner and the mindset I took on was the role of "my inner philosopher"– who's a stoic trickster.. not entirely relatable nor explicit in communication.
Only by looking back on it now, I can make sense of my thought-process behind this one little post. This is part I of the series "Stranded" (2023).
“We are most of us two people, your Highness. There is something lacking in the man who is one thing only, and so, as he believes, at peace with the world and with himself.”
–Robert Aickman