Welcome to the in-between.. a nascent publication birthed from the boundless realm—the very aether itself… We're exploring creativity, personal development, and spiritual growth through fresh perspectives in a world that's both ancient and brand new.

Prepare to have your worldview gently nudged in unexpected directions.

We don't shy away from the big questions. What does it mean to be human in a world teetering between the tried and true and the terrifyingly new? (And will there be decent coffee in the future? Asking for a friend.)

We're digital creators and AI-artists challenging the norm and sparking conversations. Consider it a mirror into our collective subconscious. Check it out and connect with us on socials.

Mindful selections for a meaningful life. We curate high-quality, timeless products designed to complement your outer world and enrich your inner journey. Our approach embraces minimalism, encouraging you to build a life with intention, piece by piece, not trend by trend. In the meanwhile..


We'd love to hear from you, whether you have a burning question, a vague thought, or anything in-progess you want to share.

Drop us a line! Ask a question or send us your thoughts at